Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Funky Feathery Over The Top Corsage For Prom!

This was my first opporunity to make a corsage ever as it was my son's first Prom. I was stoked! That is until I saw the boutonniere she and her mother made for him....and it was the furthest thing from what I would call normal! A white calla lilly, a peackock feather and some red boa....I was a little panicked needless to say. I didn't want to disappoint my son and especially didn't want him embarassed. So that morning of the Prom I drug my best friend along to Hobby Lobby with her baby in tow and a pic of the boutonniere and the dress on my iPhone. After looking at nearly EVERY floral stem there....I finally came across the perfect one...and it all came together from there!! Not wanting a traditional wristlet...we headed to the ribbon section and immediately found a perfect black sequin roll of stretchy ribbon! We left VERY satisfied.
After an hour of putting it together....the product was stunning considering what we had to work with and the fact that neither of us had done anything like it before. Enjoy!

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